
Here’s a little info about me, my hobbies, passions, and plans for future 🙂

So where do i begin. I am currently 18 years old, live in Poland, and before you start ranting about me not being a native Chinese, hear me out. In my whole life i was always very interested in Asian culture. It all began with anime, i could literally watch it 24/7. Some time later anime was just not enough i started reading manga. While reading mangas, some manhuas got mingled in. And i got fascinated by it ! I binge read all manhuas available to me. But then came the time when there was no more manhuas for me to read. So i did some research and found that all manhuas originated from Chinese Xianxia Novels. It was a whole new world for me. Skip a few years and you have me, learning Chinese to read Xianxia without having to wait for human translations. And i thought “Hell, i wanna give this awsome community something in return”. So here i am currently at my third or fourth month of learning Chinese. Still not enough to translate a full fledge novel though, so i am going to be retranslating “The Nine Godheads” from machine translations. As for my competentions, i fluently speak Polish (obviously) and Russian (My mothers family is from Russia), I’ve got B2 DSD Certificate, B2 CAE Cerificate, and A2  CEFR certificate. I plan to get atleast upper intermediate in Mandarin. At the moment i am a translator/editor/proofreader in one + my english skills aren’t the best in the world so expect some typoos and mistakes to crawl into my translations. I bet even in this text (which i checked three times) there are some errors. Either way welcome on board, and hope you guys will bare with me.